medial 3. art biennial [2014]
Keigo Yamamoto. JAPAN



1.Dazzing Flames on Paddy Field / Communication Linked Picture (by Internet) Keigo YAMAMOTO + Hidetaka ITO // 55Omm x 850mm / Canvas Print, April 1997., US$ 4,900.00    2.Urban Spiritual Energies-Ring of Water drop / Keigo YAMAMOTO + Hidetaka ITO / Communication Linked Picture ( by Internet ) / 55Omm x 850mm / Canvas Print, Mar. 1998., US$ 4,900.00    3.Distorted City / Keigo YAMAMOTO + Hidetaka ITO / Communication Linked Picture ( by Internet ) / 55Omm x 850mm / Canvas Print, Mar 1999., US$ 4,900.00   4.Another Gate / Keigo YAMAMOTO + Hidetaka ITO / Communication Linked Picture ( by Internet ) / 55Omm x 850mm / Canvas Print, Mar.1999., US$ 4,900.00    5.New Method for Measuring Urban Space / Keigo YAMAMOTO + Hidetaka ITO / / Communication Linked Picture ( by Internet ) / 55Omm x 890mm / Canvas Print, July 1996., US$ 4,900.00    6.This is New Tokyo./ Keigo YAMAMOTO + Akihiko SHIBATA / Communication Linked Picture ( by Internet ) / 55Omm x 850mm / Canvas Print, November 1996., US$ 4,900.00   7.Symbol of Analogue /Keigo YAMAMOTO + Don FORESTA / Communication Linked Picture ( by Internet ) / 55Omm x 850mm / Canvas Print 55omm x 85mm / April 1997., US$ 4,900.00   8.The Opposite Poles./Hi-Vision Network Art /Communication on Linked Picture / Canvas Print / Keigo YAMAMOTO + Eiko ITO + Kwi-Hyun PARK + Others/ 55omm x 85mm / August 1992., US$ 4,900.00
(click on thumbnail to enlarge)

























Communication Linked Pictures
Communication Linked Pictures is a new field of art in which two or more people in remote places communicate through the Internet to create works of art. I would like to take part in the international exhibition in order to develop the new field of art internationally there. I have been creating works of art by means of PC communications and the Internet since 1987, and the eight pieces of work are selected for exhibition from all my works.