Eliora Bousquet is
a French Painter, born in 1970. She started painting at the age of 7 and has
specialized through the years in abstract lyrical, visionary, symbolist and
expressionist art. Finding most of her inspiration in romantic poetry,
nature and music - mainly classical and jazz -, she has always considered
painting as a form of language per se stemming from the musicality of the
world, with its own rhythm and tempo and movement, associating shapes and
colors to form a harmonious ensemble. Granted, a language without a voice,
but unencumbered by the limitations of that voice - an art form this gave
her complete freedom of expression. However if her paintings could be put to
music, what you would hear would be closer to jazz than to classical music -
an impulsive music, instinctive yet controlled, and improvised around a
leading theme; a music all at once gentle, daring and unpredictable, and
full of meaning. In the same fashion as jazz music, the true and full
messages and symbols of a painting are rarely accessible at first glance?
You can never tell how many layers and themes will appear, unless you are
prepared to study the composition to the full.
For colors to work harmoniously, they must vibrate and dance on the canvas
like so many notes dotted on the score of Life. Eliora’s paintings burst
with life, associating color and movement in a vibrant, seemingly
instinctive manner - they call on one’s senses to vibrate in unison.
C Eliora Bousquet - More information on: www.e-bousquet.com