Fancy cars. Fancy apartments. Fancy clothes and luxury goods. What
does it mean? Many people perceive it as happiness. When, in fact,
this culture of modern consumption and commerce has become a major
threat to our planet and the human race. Conspicuous consumption,
even in times of economic crisis, shapes our era. We are living
beyond our means because we believe that the acquisition of more
material goods and products is part of the equation in seeking
contentment. Many artists and different groups have recognized the
falsities of this believe. Marta Dimitrescu is one of them.
Dimitrescu’s collages consist of photographs, drawings, and scraps
of paper of different shapes, accumulated in a chaotic manner. With
a risk of confusing or boring the viewer, Dimitrescu boldly
experiments with colors, structure, and design.
Still, the artist
manages to consciously add all the pieces together -emphasizing some
elements, while partially hiding others - and give them a meaningful
concept. The composition of Dimitrescu's work is the artist's construction
of the reality we live in. Dimitrescu uses her inspiration and imagination
to respond to environmental degradation, which is a tremendous concern
today. The artist seeks to awake our human senses. Her collages, suffused
with metaphors, intend to challenge our perception of reality and happiness.
The artist’s work leads the viewer through a serious of small images that
evolve into a larger picture with a deeper meaning. The result is a fresh
and clever art with an inspiring idea behind it.
Dimitrescu’s art
serves as a warning, it screams, “People wake up! Conserve our natural
resources! Save the planet!” The transformation of the dark and gloomy
warning into a visual form is done in an unusual way, combining pieces of
information with a touch of wit and beauty. Our ability to consume has
become a form of power. We live in consumerism world. And the scale of
globalization has expanded to such a vast degree that it now affects the
entire Earth and population. The consequences of our actions cannot be
tracked, yet, the facts are present - about two-thirds of the world’s
resources are being used up. Our planet suffers. Dimitrescu is an artist who
has found her own peculiar language that allows her to express her worries
and raise awareness of this issue through contemporary art. Artists
like Dimitrescu begin a new era of cultural transformation. These artists,
using nontraditional and innovative techniques, create visual art to address
social and environmental concerns. Remarkable artists. What does it mean?
Art works that have meaning. As the viewers, it's our chance to be creative
and find ways to cure the planet and perhaps save future generations.
Doneliya Deneva,
(Master's degree in Journalism at Georgetown University Washington, DC 2014)