medial 4. art biennial [2018]
Stefania Grasso. ITALY



The Flying city Series: 1.Urban Architecture, 2016 Photography 80x50 cm. US$ 601.00    2.Urban Decoration, 2017 Photography 80x50 cm. US$ 601.00    3.Italian Jets, 2015 Photography 80x50 cm. US$ 601.00    4.Bus Terminal, 2017 Photography 80x50 cm. US$ 601.00    5.Chalet with Flowers, 2015 Photography 80x50 cm. US$ 601.00    6.Skiing in Sumer, 2015 Photography 80x50 cm. US$ 601.00    7.Mountain Bike, 2016 Photography 80x50 cm. US$ 601.00    8.Desarpa, 2017 Photography 80x50 cm. US$ 601.00    9.Nordic Rush, 2015 Photography 80x50 cm. US$ 601.00    10.Safety Plan promotion, 2016 Photography 80x50 cm. US$ 601.00    11.Enthusiast, 2017 Photography 80x50 cm. US$ 601.00    12.DVR Great Major, 2017 Photography 80x50 cm. US$ 601.00
 (click on thumbnail to enlarge)





































Stefania Grasso 39 years old, Italian photographer started to photograph in 1990. In 2006 among 1172 photographers she won the 4th price in a nature competition in Valle d’Aosta. Her favorite themes are travel photography, nature, landscapes and also indoor photography (museums). She won some prices in contests related to nature and several covers for reviews, Markos but also, N-photography and she sometimes collaborate with CNNiReport. many of her works have been published for tourist pages VolgoItalia, The Hub Art, Venice Art Guide. The Valtournenche area has been promoted not only in Aosta Valley but also in big cities such as Rome and New York, Manhattan, Miami, Berlin, Aberdeen.

This portfolio deals with an Italian alpine flowing city Valtournenche-Breuil Cervinia placed in Valle d’Aosta. In these last three years from 2015-2017 this city has grown very much in its architecture, urban decoration with beautiful flowers in summer and a lot of events especially in summer and autumn. We have celebrated the 150th anniversary of Matterhorn from the first climb with Italian “Frecce Tricolori” and also in these alpine place it’s possible ski in winter and summer, practice mountain bike and see the beautiful descent of cows at the end of September with groups and folk music. Furthermore snowfall and avalanche safety plans have been developed to continuously inform users and tourists about weather and roads conditions. All this has been possible thanks to the great work realized by the Administration which has worked with passion, enthusiasm and humility creating really a flowing city.


Questo portfolio riporta una serie di immagini scattate a Valtournenche/Cervinia, in Valle d’Aosta. In questi ultimi tre anni dal 2015 al 2017 questa città alpina è cresciuta moltissimo nella sua architettura urbana, nel decoro con fiori bellissimi in estate e grazie ad una serie di eventi organizzati soprattutto nella stagione estiva e autunnale. E’ stato celebrato il 150 anniversario della prima scalata al Cervino con lo spettacolo delle Frecce Tricolori ed è possibile praticare sport come lo sci sia in estate che in inverno, mountain bike e ammirare la bellissima discesa del bestiame alla fine di settembre dagli alpeggi in quota accompagnata da gruppi e musica folk. Inoltre sono stati messi a punto piani neve e valanghe con lo scopo di mantenere informati costantemente utenti e turisti in merito alle condizioni meteorologiche e stradali, veri e propri piani di sicurezza. Tutto questo è stato possibile grazie al grande lavoro realizzato dall’Amministrazione comunale che ha lavorato con passione, entusiasmo, umiltà creando veramente una città sempre in movimento.