medial 3. art biennial [2015]



1.cape horn, 2014 textures and matters 92 x 65 cm., US $ 3,200.00    2.full moonlight, 2014 textures and matters 61 x 46 cm., US $ 2,000.00     3.lonely regatta, 2014 textures and matters 65 x 54 cm., US $ 2,200.00    4.night party, 2014 textures and matters 70 x 50 cm., US $ 2,500.00    5.seabird, 2014 textures and matters 50 x 70 cm., US $ 2,500.00     6.sea sunset, 2014 textures and matters 65 x 54 cm., US $ 2,200.00   7.twilight in town, 2014 textures and matters 50 x 70 cm., US $ 2,500.00    8.typhoon, 2014 textures and matters 55 x 46 cm., US $ 1,800.00
(click on thumbnail to enlarge)

























Janpol PORTALIS was born in 1948 in Saint-Etienne (midFrance) where his father -ingenieur civil des Mines – met with his mother, daughter of an industrial entrepreneur. His roots are found in an ancient family of Provence which left a few famous names all over the country. He followed a cursus of ingeneer's studies, so setting a rational mind and a pronounced taste for cutting edge technologies. In an opposite way, he was from all time fond of fairtales and reveries making him escaped from material borders to reach artistic territories with a built-in know-how that allows to get him right. As he feels conscious that the world is quickly changing over, he never felt like being locked in academic proceedings and prefers innovate to follow as closely it can be the dynamic breakthrough of the tecnical evolution set in art. This extreme duality might lead to a paradoxal conflict, schizophrenic inside, unreadable outside. Using it with a smart way leads to a full-flavoured mix of artistic output, which is not so figurative, nor abstract, but really both of them in the same time. The result is that the communication is not completely chaotic with members of the art show. He stays on the edge of the scenic expression of art fashion with his self made know-how as an insider of what could be the stage of to-morrow contemporary art. This singularity is not apart from the stages of art expression during the last century. Don't we find a little of cubism, futurism, dadaism, or new realism … in every artwork of his own ?



For a long time, Portalis has been fascinated by representing the MOVING LIFE in his artwork. Doing so needs to have a clear view over what is more than a concept or an abstract idea : DYNAMISM. Its essence appears to be reachable by the Reason (as it is logical and real) and sustained by the Imagination (as an artistic view unlogical and unreal). These 2 sides, « figurative » and « abstract ». cannot be separated. No expression is better than the other . They only need to be mixed in quantitative and qualitative manner, in the same time « simple » and « complex ». In that point of view his artwork becomes QUANTUM PAINTINGS, (as quantum physics : a superimposition of the two) ; and COMPLEX, as a mathematical complex number, (a part real a part imaginary). The target being to remain readable overall.



Né en 1948 à Saint-Étienne où son père, ingénieur civil des mines de cette ville avait rencontré sa mère, fille d’industriel. Originaire d’une vieille famille provençale qui a laissé quelques noms célèbres dans toute la région, il a mûri une double personnalité parfois conflictuelle. Ses études d’ingénieur ont développé un sens rationnel et un attrait pour l’innovation technique. Son tempérament rêveur le conduit à s’échapper des contraintes matérielles pour aborder des territoires artistiques avec un savoir-faire qui lui permet d’utiliser un matériel disparate. Conscient que le Monde est en mouvement accéléré, il n’a jamais voulu s’enfermer dans des modalités académiques, restrictives dans l’innovation et contraignantes dans l’adaptation aux réalités dynamiques de l’évolution technique. Cette dualité pourrait mener à un conflit paradoxal, schizophrénique à l’interne, illisible à l’externe. Son utilisation savamment orchestrée s’exprime alors dans l’alliage de la représentation, ni figurative, ni abstraite et pourtant les deux à la fois et le rend inclassable dans la nomenclature classique de l’Art Moderne. Et pourtant, il en est certainement un des précurseurs car il ne renie aucun des courants précédents qui mènent a l’Art d’aujourd’hui. Ne trouve-t-on pas un fond de cubisme, de futurisme, de dadaïsme, de nouveau réalisme, … dans toutes ses réalisations ? Cet éclectisme intellectuel et pragmatique en fait indiscutablement un artiste singulier.