medial 3. art biennial [2014]
Roberto Pestarino Italy



1.Stairs 1, 2012 digital photography, 500 Euro    2.Stairs 2, 2012 digital photography, 500 Euro    3.Vertigo, 2010 digital photography, 500 Euro    4.Windows, 2013 digital photography, 500 Euro 













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Roberto Pestarino born in Alessandria (Italy) on 06 /Nov /1966. I live alone with no television since 2004 and with 4 cats in the open countryside in a village called Gavazzana the Province of Alessandria. For years I have always rejected the photographs in itself. It all started with wanting to photograph a flower or rather I had neighbors who continued to ask for help to upload their pictures I remember one day while driving I saw a sunflower in a field alive among many of the abandoned then I run to the supermarket and buy my first camera. A compact camera back from the sunflower and I made the photo. Here since that day I have not stopped. After that day I spent a year photographing without study or attend courses. But things have changed and I started attending other photographers, now I’m proud to be the president of the photography club Oltregiogo photograph of Novi Ligure (AL). Personal website: