Michael Nilsson  [ Sweden ]

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Lives and Works in Sweden


Post-modem thinking inspires my work, as if everything has been done. New forms are created. Everyone seems to be walking around in a world with no order, sometimes in-groups, sometimes fleeing from an unknown danger. The image 'has several rooms, often illogical. It is even against things that are charismatic or contain a message. The works shows both present and past time, mixed with cultures and expressions. It is an anonymous communication  zone. My recent work shows a geotropic world, vision or future, where technology is on its way to break apart. It offers a transcription of reality, but in a fairy tale surrounding. It is of places in the world out there. It is important subjects in shape of something else. The people walk around wondering in a world that is continually changing. The work oscillates between the comic and tragic, it has a meaning, at the same time it tries not to have. It is a mixture of times and influences, which makes it timeless. I am inspired by the old masters, especially Rembrandt, Leonardo da Vinci, Pieter Bruegel and Millet. Later artists who inspire my work are George Grosz and Max Beckman. More recent artists, like Steven Campbell, Paula Rego, Odd Nerdrum and Jean Rustin also inspire me.

1.Arrival, 2004 oil on canvas 44x40 in. / 110x100 cm.
US$ 14,900

2.Dissension when night falls, 2002 oil on canvas 20x24 in. / 50x60 cm.
US$ 14,900

3.News from the outside world, 2002 oil on canvas 28x20 in./ 70x50 cm.
US$ 14,900

4.The return of the queen, 2003 oil on canvas 45x52 in. / 112x131 cm.
US$ 14,900

5.The return of the whale, 2002 oil on canvas 24x20 in. / 60x50 cm.

US$ 14,900

6.Visitors by the sea, 2003 oil on canvas 60x44. / 150x110 cm.
US$ 14,900










