Artist Statement
a compact disc or an mp3 any less valuable as a mean to get an idea or
a feeling across to someone, is it any less genuine than a live
concert? Through these mediums, the artist has the chance to create
perfection. A photograph gives a different kind of experience but it
doesn’t make it less real. I would never be afraid of being moved by
anything just because it comes to me via the digital realm. There was
still a breath at the other end. there was a reality, intention and
possibly a reaction at the root of the artists creation.
Medial Art, Digital art, C-Print, Photograph, Installation, Object,
Video, New Art, Digital Sound
Representated by
Addiction Medial Museum
Art Addiction Medial Art Association
Curriculum Vitae
1993: The 1st Int’l Exhibition of Miniature Art, Art Addiction Gallery
/Glass 1 Gallery, Stockholm Sweden. 1994: Graphic Addictions, The 1st
Int’l Graphic Art Exhibition, Art Addiction Gallery, Stockholm Sweden.
1994: The 2nd Int’l Exhibition of Miniature Art, Art Addiction
Gallery, Stockholm Sweden. 1995: Graphic Addictions, The 2nd Int’l
Graphic Art Exhibition, Art Addiction Gallery, Stockholm Sweden .
1995: The 3rd Int’l Exhibition of Miniature Art, Art Addiction
Gallery, Stockholm Sweden. 1996: Graphic Addictions, The 3rd Int’l
Graphic Art Exhibition, Art Addiction Gallery, Stockholm Sweden. 1996:
Addictions, The 1st Int’l Small Graphic Art Exhibition, Art Addiction
Gallery, Stockholm Sweden. 1996: The 4th Int’l Exhibition of Miniature
Art, Art Addiction Gallery, Stockholm Sweden. 1996: 'Graphic
Addictions', The 4th Int’l Graphic Art Exhibition, Art Addiction
Gallery, Stockholm Sweden. 1996: World of Art, Art Addiction Int’l
Drawing Competition, Art Addiction Gallery, Stockholm Sweden. 1996:
Most Talented Artist, Art Addiction 1st International Prize, Art
Addiction Gallery, Stockholm Sweden. 1997: The 5th Int’l Exhibition of
Miniature Art, Art Addiction Gallery, Stockholm Sweden. 1998: A Better
World for our Children, Art Addiction Gallery, Stockholm Sweden. 1998:
Masks in Venice 1, Art Addiction Annual Exhibition, Art Addiction /
Palazzo Correr, Venice Italy. 1998: The 1st Autumn Annual in Venice,
Art Addiction / Palazzo Correr, Venice Italy. 1999: The 1st Spring
Annual in Venice, Art Addiction / Palazzo Correr, Venice Italy. 1999:
Masks in Venice 2, Art Addiction Annual Exhibition, Art Addiction /
Palazzo Correr, Venice Italy. 1999: The 2nd Autumn Annual in Venice,
Art Addiction /Palazzo Correr, Venice Italy. 2000: The 2nd Spring
Annual in Venice, Art Addiction / Palazzo Correr, Venice Italy. 2000:
Masks in Venice 3, Art Addiction Annual Exhibition, Art Addiction /
Palazzo Correr, Venice Italy. 2000: ART internet, Internet Art Museum.
2001: The 5th Int’l Graphic Art Exhibition, Art Addiction Virtual
Gallery. 2001: The 6th Int’l Exhibition of Miniature Art, Art
Addiction Virtual Gallery Art Internet Art Addiction Virtual Gallery .
2002: The 6th Int’l Graphic Art Exhibition, Art Addiction Virtual
Gallery. 2002: 'Collage' - International Art Exhibition, Art Addiction
Virtual Gallery. 2002: The 7th Int’l Exhibition of Miniature Art, Art
Addiction Virtual Gallery. 1993-2003: Internet Art Museum /Artists of
Today. 2004: Happiness Project, London Alternative Space |