FRUİT OF TREE OF REALİTY, 2009 Acrylic on canvas 90x90 cm, US$1500 /
Note: The reality rains blowing from the light dimensions are bearing;
the ones who deserve to eat them are blessed
2.BİRD WORLD, 2008
Digital painting 50x70 cm. US$500 3.ONE
SOUL, 2009 Acrylic on canvas 90x90 cm. US$1500
HOLY ROAD, 1999 Mixed technique on colored paper 35x50 cm. US$600$
/ Note: The sacred road of the spiritual evolution from the most
primitive to the most developed
SORCERER, 1997 Digital Media 35x50 cm. US$400
2006 mixed technique on colored paper 15x21 cm. US$120 |